That's the beauty of this situation. They can't swear Biden in with the local judge and do it in his basement like his whole campaign. There are only two acceptable places for him to be sworn in the Capital building or the Whitehouse. Anywhere else and they are basically admitting to the steal and admitting they are giant frauds that are afraid of Trump.
I've said this before but one more time. There is nowhere in this whole solar system they can hide. Name one country that can or would hide them from the US if they are labeled traitors and evidence is provided to prove it? The only one with the power to resist the USA is China and frankly the millisecond they are labeled traitors they are useless to China. There is no upside for China to set themselves even more at odds with the USA to hide a bunch of useless whiny bureaucrats.
They've already given China everything they wanted and then some and been paid for it. China has no use for them if they fail to complete their theft of POTUS. There is nowhere to run or hide.
My prediction... half of them shoot themselves or take a poison pill once the arrests start. We aren't going to watch a bunch of perp walks. We are going to watch a bunch of bodies get taken out of buildings. These people are cowards.
The stupid loud ones like AOC will be the only ones left. The ones that know everything, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, HRC etc... most of them will suck on their body guards pistol rather than give Trump the satisfaction of putting them in a cell.
I'm just hoping like hell that Soros resists and Trump drops a JDAM or 5 right on his face.
That's the beauty of this situation. They can't swear Biden in with the local judge and do it in his basement like his whole campaign. There are only two acceptable places for him to be sworn in the Capital building or the Whitehouse. Anywhere else and they are basically admitting to the steal and admitting they are giant frauds that are afraid of Trump.
I've said this before but one more time. There is nowhere in this whole solar system they can hide. Name one country that can or would hide them from the US if they are labeled traitors and evidence is provided to prove it? The only one with the power to resist the USA is China and frankly the millisecond they are labeled traitors they are useless to China. There is no upside for China to set themselves even more at odds with the USA to hide a bunch of useless whiny bureaucrats.
They've already given China everything they wanted and then some and been paid for it. China has no use for them if they fail to complete their theft of POTUS. There is nowhere to run or hide.
My prediction... half of them shoot themselves or take a poison pill once the arrests start. We aren't going to watch a bunch of perp walks. We are going to watch a bunch of bodies get taken out of buildings. These people are cowards.
The stupid loud ones like AOC will be the only ones left. The ones that know everything, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, HRC etc... most of them will suck on their body guards pistol rather than give Trump the satisfaction of putting them in a cell.
I'm just hoping like hell that Soros resists and Trump drops a JDAM or 5 right on his face.