If we don't treat them as human beings which they are, (don't forget that Evil is done by men, not monsters), we would lose the people we need to be awake.
I honestly don’t think anyone will be executed. I don’t even think most of them will go to prison. What I’m really expecting is maybe a good few of them to lose their jobs.
But I don’t want Republicans in there, either. I’d prefer MAGA people, but of course, each state will be able to pick their own representatives. Which is fine. But if you can’t get a security clearance, you shouldn’t be able to hold a job in government, especially considering the committees involving intelligence and defense.
How many times did Trump repeat "We must make sure this never happens again!" when talking about the crimes of the DS? When Trump repeats something, he's trying to get our attention, trying to wrap the national psyche around what he's saying. It's serious. If the DS gets off with a wrist-slap, it will happen again in our lifetime. There's a reason why Q uses the Punisher logo so often.
I so badly hope you’re right. And I’m sure that’s what team Trump/Q want to do. It just seems like such a monumental undertaking as to be damn near impossible. Those fucking slime balls always seem to get away with everything, even when the proof is out there for all to see.
They have been getting away with it because the swamp must be fully exposed before it is drained. Who among us truly knew how deep and wide the swamp ran before all this?
After the public hear about what they have done a lot of people will be calling for blood, there needs to be justice and a appropriate response so people will be talking about it for decades to come and it can never happen again.
I hope we learnt our lessons from the Nuremberg trail.
I’ll volunteer
I was hoping they would ask for volunteers
I'd be happy to stay in rotation for say, 500 executions or so...
I say once they are shot, just pile them up in a corner and shovel them all in one mass grave.
Thats a really bad look.
Release the bodies to the families, charge them for the bullets...
That's bad too. Fuck. Being a good guy is hard
Woodchippers. Solves a lot of problems ... eco-friendly too.
What about a park?
Bury them all like human beings then make a Liberty Park with traitors 6 feet under nourishing it's trees.
Some would debate traitorous scum ==> human.
A good chance they'd poison the trees, and our children would have to deal with it's odious fruit...
If we don't treat them as human beings which they are, (don't forget that Evil is done by men, not monsters), we would lose the people we need to be awake.
And well, the only good Commie is a dead one.
Me too
DTs for NP
This would also explain the ammo shortage... ?
I can think of a few people who'd happily spare the gov't the expense and reuse the same club.
Imagine it's your turn, but someone keeps cutting in front of you.
awwwww damn, you may be onto something there huh.
Call me, I'll do 50 squads MD sleep like a baby.
Says the ng encaging dc
Make it a public event and charge tickets to participate.
What if the hit isnt a kill shot. What happens
An officer walks over and verifies that the person is dead. If not then he lines the soldiers back up and they shoot again.
Traditionally, the O.C. administers the coup de grace with a pistol shot to the head
Damn. I assume they are all likely aiming head?
then lower the ropes.
Yes. All of the NG is there to be a firing squad.
Who said that?
I honestly don’t think anyone will be executed. I don’t even think most of them will go to prison. What I’m really expecting is maybe a good few of them to lose their jobs.
But I don’t want Republicans in there, either. I’d prefer MAGA people, but of course, each state will be able to pick their own representatives. Which is fine. But if you can’t get a security clearance, you shouldn’t be able to hold a job in government, especially considering the committees involving intelligence and defense.
So corruption, treason and pedophilia are ok, as long as it is your folks.
Got it.
How many times did Trump repeat "We must make sure this never happens again!" when talking about the crimes of the DS? When Trump repeats something, he's trying to get our attention, trying to wrap the national psyche around what he's saying. It's serious. If the DS gets off with a wrist-slap, it will happen again in our lifetime. There's a reason why Q uses the Punisher logo so often.
I so badly hope you’re right. And I’m sure that’s what team Trump/Q want to do. It just seems like such a monumental undertaking as to be damn near impossible. Those fucking slime balls always seem to get away with everything, even when the proof is out there for all to see.
I want to be wrong.
They have been getting away with it because the swamp must be fully exposed before it is drained. Who among us truly knew how deep and wide the swamp ran before all this?
No offence mate but its because of views like yours that we ended up in this mess, i think you need to wake up a bit.
Hear, hear.
Tribunals are brutal. For a reason.
Treason kills. Period.
After the public hear about what they have done a lot of people will be calling for blood, there needs to be justice and a appropriate response so people will be talking about it for decades to come and it can never happen again.
I hope we learnt our lessons from the Nuremberg trail.
We have a video game like that, called Metal Wolf Chaos (2004).
Our greatest arry
I see what you did there :)
Well Trump has proven to be a big fan of the death penalty. :)
This very eloquently elaborates on what everyone means when they call for the penalty for treason to be carried out on these monsters.
what happens if they all miss?
I'd love seeing them run back and forth blind folded trying to dodge the bullets.