/* 1 is dash, 0 is dot 0100110010010001 1001000101101010 0010011001011000 1010001010001101 0100110010100010 1010001010001101 */
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[_Source]( [IDX] varchar NOT NULL, [Val] varchar NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
INSERT INTO _Source (IDX,Val) VALUES ('1', '0100110010010001'), --Lines 1 through 6, any 1 and 0 can be input, 1 dash 0 dot. ('2', '1001000101101010'), ('3', '0010011001011000'), ('4', '1010001010001101'), ('5', '0100110010100010'), ('6', '1010001010001101'), ('7', '010011001001000110010001011010100010011001011000101000101000110101001100101000101010001010001101'), --This is the full sequence with locks as - (1s are dashes,0 dots) ('8', '11010100010011001011000101000101000110101001100101000101010001010001101') -- 8 is the part of the code starting with the 'Marine' bit (to get a good keystone hopefully) GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[_Lib]( [Val] varchar NOT NULL, [Code] varchar NOT NULL, [IDX] INT NOT NULL , [Active] varchar NULL, [Len] INT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
--Dictionary, can be expanded to accept other characters insert into _Lib (Val, Code, IDX) values ('A', '01', 1), ('B', '1000', 2), ('C', '1010',3), ('D', '100', 4), ('E', '0', 5), ('F', '0010',6), ('G', '110',7), ('H', '0000',8), ('I', '00',9), ('J', '0111',10), ('K', '101',11), ('L', '0100',12), ('M', '11',13), ('N', '10',14), ('O', '111',15), ('P', '0110',16), ('Q', '1101',17), ('R', '010',18), ('S', '000',19), ('T', '1',20), ('U', '001',21), ('V', '0001',22), ('W', '011',23), ('X', '1001',24), ('Y', '1011',25), ('Z', '1100',26) GO
UPDATE _Lib SET Len = LEN(Code) GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[_WorkReg]( [OrigIDX] varchar NOT NULL, [NewVal] varchar NULL, [LastStr] varchar NULL, [Age] [int] NOT NULL, [Rem] varchar NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO
-- Does the initial pull. Change S.IDX to whichever line if you want to try and do a single line first- this may not be morse code at all. You will need to do this initially for each ID you want to map. INSERT INTO _WorkReg (OrigIDX, NewVal, LastStr, Age, Rem) SELECT S.IDX AS 'OrigIDX',L.Val AS 'NewVal',l.Val AS 'LastStr',1 AS 'Age' , SUBSTRING(S.Val,L.Len+1,LEN(S.Val)-L.Len) AS 'Rem' FROM _Source S LEFT JOIN _Lib L ON SUBSTRING(S.Val,0,4) LIKE Code + '%' WHERE S.IDX = 8 GO
-- Set Counter to how many digits to look for DECLARE @Counter INT = 1, @MaxCounter INT = 22 WHILE (@Counter <= @MaxCounter) BEGIN INSERT INTO _WorkReg (OrigIDX, NewVal, LastStr, Age, Rem) SELECT S.OrigIDX AS 'OrigIDX',L.Val AS 'NewVal',S.LastStr + L.Val AS 'LastStr',LEN(S.LastStr + L.Val) AS 'Age' , SUBSTRING(S.Rem,L.Len+1,LEN(S.Rem)-L.Len) AS 'Rem' FROM _WorkReg S LEFT JOIN _Lib L ON SUBSTRING(S.Rem,0,5) LIKE Code + '%' WHERE S.OrigIDX = 8 AND Age = @Counter AND LEN(S.Rem) >= 1 SET @Counter = @Counter + 1 END
-- So obviously there are a lot of possibilities, the index 8 is starting from the middle where another tard located marine. I'm going to run it overnight, and see what happens, and then try to parse a dictionary list against it, but importing the dictionary won't be super fun, so maybe guess and check. It may just not be morse, but marine being present seems odd. Could be some bad characters at start. The user who pointed out locks as - and the gent who linked the tool that found marine, thanks. I'll update tomorrow if I find anything, laptops are not quantum computers.
-- I can post the list in a zip tomorrow.
For clarity, it's not Binary, I'm just representing morse with numeric, instead of varchar because it's easier. Lines are 1, dots are 0. Sorry for the confusion.