CheekyHawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don’t take it so personally; I don’t. Women are bad leaders because they cannot enforce law. Because they cannot enforce law they should not create law.

That is logic; certainly the society I describe would be less likely to tolerate the type of man you elected to marry assuming he was fairly described.

You might not give up the right, but it may be taken from you at any time because you cannot defend it. Talk all you want, there are dudes in women’s sports.

I agree with other poster however, as it relates to taxes without representation; but more than that, we revert to constitutional pre 1913 rules.

CheekyHawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hopefully you read this with an open mind;

“Women’s suffrage” was a mistake. Women ran the household, and by proxy made the rules back in the day. It takes a profound misunderstanding of society then to look upon women as mistreated. They sold you all a lie and you bought it; now you’re slaves paying taxes with few children living in a material world.

No class of person should be making laws or rules they will not be tasked with enforcing. Enforcement of the rules requires the capacity for violence; a capacity women lack.

So it stands that the correct society is indeed one in which women do not have a vote. Because they do not bear the responsibility to enforce their actions. When we go to war, women who will never bleed in a trench will vote for it. They will not bleed in the trench because equipping, training and deploying them is more damaging to the host military than leaving them at home.

Perhaps one day we will have rid ourselves of the types of people who destroy; a utopia, but certainly in this world, electing a woman to lead likely result in mass suffering.

There are exceptions to every rule; that singular exception right now is the CEO of a company and is called Lisa Su. I used to want what you want, but life got real, and the world is becoming a harder place again, and most women will be hiding while men pay the price for our “progressiveness”.

You all couldn’t even keep trannies out of women’s sports. JK Rowling went to bat, I’d make her an MP, but women wouldn’t vote for her. Kari Lake is a fighter, but women voted against her (and fraud). shrugs

CheekyHawk 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ironically he probably won’t get banned by FB lol. It’s not like he posted a cartoon frog, or explained basic biology.

CheekyHawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

My take is I don’t care; they can preach violence, I’m not going to call their work, but if I had a kid who went to that school I would just remove them. Even Home Depot lady that everyone is so worried about; I was just going to stop going to Home Depot, they canned her, so I’ll go there. Bud light did something I didn’t like, but they didn’t convince me they actually cared. So I haven’t had a Bud light since then. A corporation is not a person, argument rejected. I don’t have to forgive them, I will take my toys and walk away from any company that does things I don’t like. You can call it cancel culture, I don’t care what you call it. Violence and kid stuff are the two things I have zero tolerance for, and companies that do will lose my business forever. After all; I can’t fire them. But my loyalty to a corporation is predicated entirely upon what it encourages. Bed Bath “canceled” Lindell, they are bankrupt now. AnBev supported a tranny, mocking normal women, they are getting crushed. Tell me how I am wrong. People like Fauci on the other hand, well you’ve got me there. Maybe I should forgive him, but I’ll wait to do it after the tribunals.

If you think I’m an asshole, please forgive me ;)

CheekyHawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would use Vanguard; but then I would DRS it into my name at Odyssey transfer agent so it’s in your name. Can’t DRS from WeBull I don’t think. It’s a prime broker that does their own clearing; but maybe Fidelity is alright too? DRS means Direct Registration System. When shares are held at broker they are held in “street name” in other words the broker owes you a share but they “own it” and likely lend it out. If they fail; you get an FTX situation where you get paid cash, not the shares.

CheekyHawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I donated 47 bucks when they arrested him, when they charged him, when the mugshot went out… Last night I donated 800$. My total political contributions net prior to this election cycle was 20$. I think I’ve sent a grand now. Probably going to send more. The limit is 3300$ I believe. Going to buy some DJT stock on Monday.

CheekyHawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

The ticker for the company “Trump Media and Technology Group” is “DJT”

CheekyHawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m of this mind but slightly expanded; Cash, Metals, GME, DJT, TSLA, Land, Tools, Knowledge, Food, Frens.

Both my DJT and GME dwarf my metal and cash atm, but I hold enough to be dangerous whichever way things go.

I have like 1/3 of one Solana on the crypto side; I may buy a bitcoin one day, but my net worth would need quite a lot higher to justify making an entry there.

CheekyHawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

If it goes up much, it may cause a margin call; or may threaten swap collateral, options risk or any other number of things. Thats why you see “barcoding” and “whales teeth” in some names. As shorts build up their position, they move their red line lower.

CheekyHawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Considering that Congress has paid 10s of millions from their hush money slush fund for the same purpose, either it’s an official act OR Congress is guilty of grand larceny, conspiracy to defraud, and misappropriation - as it wasn’t their own money being spent.

CheekyHawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also “college educated” women who are alone.

CheekyHawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well cigarette smoking is down and cancer is way up…. So ya.

CheekyHawk 7 points ago +7 / -0

Did you know “water poisoning” is a real thing and people die every year of it? It’s also referred to as water intoxication and water toxicity.

The LD50 for Tylenol is 4000mg for the average adult, and caffeine is actually incredibly lethal, at 150-200mg per KG, and in some cases in the 50mg per KG range.

People have died from too much oxygen, water, heat and cold. What are we talking about team?

CheekyHawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw it, but it got squashed pretty quick. Anything but “get 84638 shots” pretty much got the ion cannon in those days.

CheekyHawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve seen no study to suggest this; I have heard from the same people that horse paste will kill you (it does not); and safrole was used as a medicine by everyone in early America but “that caused cancer” in mice that they gave insane doses to (was also the basis for root beer- as it’s made from sassafras root), cocoa leaves are banned as well, but Brazilians still make tea from the leaves. I don’t even think tobacco leaves are terrible, it’s the crap they put in modern tobacco.

CheekyHawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

A kilo bar is about the size of an iPhone; so a little over 6 iPhones. I’m not a Bitcoin believer, but I hope it goes to a million bucks for you. I’d take the metal though (if it was an option).

CheekyHawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably weren’t good for me anyway. Good bye forever old friend.

CheekyHawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not a lawyer but an air rifle is not a firearm by definition. I can imagine an overzealous prosecutor leveraging one of the many “add ons” that exist (like in the Trump case) to escalate vandalism to terrorism, and chuck the book.

CheekyHawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because close price impacts potentially Billions in options settlement.

CheekyHawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

The IRA shares are a tough one, I’d just scrounge some cash, and DRS as you collect some. I know the silver problem… I’m getting some tonight. Have both stocks DJT and GME in DRS as well though. Have a good amount of DJT, not as much GME but enough to take a bite outa crime. Probably going to buy some more stonks later this week too though… inflation makes it hard to keep it.

CheekyHawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Private sales, JMbullion, SDbullion and others have buyback programs, pawn shops (call around...).

Just have your dad go to breakfast where the old men hang out, bring 1 or 2 examples and ask them if they would like to buy any.

I wouldn't try to sell all at once if you have a lot; it puts a flag on you.

If I was your neighbor I'd certainly buy some. The gold flake stuff depends on what it exactly is; that likely has some more to it than bullion or coins.

Depending what it is e.g. gold eagles / liberties whatever if you're nearby I'd be willing to beat the SD/JM offers, but I also have to say I don't think you should sell it.

Also there is subreddit PMsforsale you could list on, but it will be a little hard to get started selling gold there, and you would likely need to ship first because of it, however as long as you only use established buyers you probably wouldn't have a problem. Slow and steady wins the race.

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