posted ago by DeepDMingDeep ago by DeepDMingDeep +20 / -0

What if all of Q’s existence is the ‘butterfly wing flap’ variable in a quantum computer?

This computer knows every human alive. It knows every possible observable thing about everyone. Someone decides to use it to positively affect the future.

With an incredibly small rudder, it is capable of monumentally steering humanity. How? Because uncountable other realities were ruled out. This set of comms were the ones that led us to this point. Who knows? Maybe there’s some additional covert communication to some white hats?

One other thing to realize. I’m certain intelligence agencies around the world have, at the very least, done a threat assessment of Q. And, being privy to secrets you and I are not, they might fear or be inspired in ways we can’t understand.

Q’s cryptic posts could be the butterfly flapping its wings on the internet that causes a massive storm in DC.