I'm not saying dinosaurs are not real - it's a thought experiment.
How do you KNOW? I've never found a complete fossil myself. We have to trust random people we've never met, and assume they were honest. There are several other things we have to assume, if we are to believe that dinosaurs are real.
Point is - you can't KNOW that dinosaurs are real, at least with our current epistemology.
Have artists been making up mythical creatures for thousands of years? Are any of the dinosaur bones you see in museums the genuine bones or are they reproductions? Is anyone allowed to see the original bones?
I found a unicorn skeleton in my back yard, true story. Also a leprechaun skeleton was riding it's back. If you ask me, that Proves the earth is billions of years old.
Uh, their bones and fossils? They are buried in the earth you know?
I'm not saying dinosaurs are not real - it's a thought experiment.
How do you KNOW? I've never found a complete fossil myself. We have to trust random people we've never met, and assume they were honest. There are several other things we have to assume, if we are to believe that dinosaurs are real.
Point is - you can't KNOW that dinosaurs are real, at least with our current epistemology.
Always Sunny in Philadelphia breaks it down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0e-omnsukM&ab_channel=PaulieIASIP
That’s literally what he’s asking. How do YOU know the fossils are real?
If you think about it, most of your knowledge base consists of you taking other people at their word.
Have artists been making up mythical creatures for thousands of years? Are any of the dinosaur bones you see in museums the genuine bones or are they reproductions? Is anyone allowed to see the original bones?
I found a unicorn skeleton in my back yard, true story. Also a leprechaun skeleton was riding it's back. If you ask me, that Proves the earth is billions of years old.
I see what you did there,