God and the military of two armies...
One army of Heaven and one of earth
They have been sent because of your FAITH.
Be still now....
Behold the Glory which will be yours and fear not for prayers will be answered...
Be still now...fear not what will come secure in the knowledge that I know my faithful.
For my wrath will now rain down upon those who wished harm upon my children but will not harm those who have exposed and fought this evil on earth.
The world will be saved..
As the blossoms of spring sprout, so shall the world.
But be still now....
God and the military of two armies... One army of Heaven and one of earth They have been sent because of your FAITH. Be still now.... Behold the Glory which will be yours and fear not for prayers will be answered... Be still now...fear not what will come secure in the knowledge that I know my faithful. For my wrath will now rain down upon those who wished harm upon my children but will not harm those who have exposed and fought this evil on earth. The world will be saved.. As the blossoms of spring sprout, so shall the world. But be still now....