My NEW POSTS keeps getting buried. Over target?
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maybe it is on "rising" or "hot" ? I saw this linked days ago.
I posted a couple days ago, but then it got buried. I tried posting this morning, and it was buried within minutes. The link is filled with all the data we've been talking about for years. Don't get it.
Hey plz make the group aware if u truely got ur post buried. I feel the mods here are on point but either stand up and bring the point to the mods. But just know if ur wrong they will call u out and them being accused of failing there duty when there not is a huge disrespect to them and the service. So plz if ur gonna go down this road know that's a huge thing to say it could potentially mean a mod is acting out of ego and not the greater good. And this is how boards fall quick and lose control. So my friend either stall and keep raising the alarm or shut up and get over yourself. Maybe ur post didnt click right with the people on here in the beginning and other people shared and it just was timing and other people sharing
Valid point. I just want people to see the info. I don't have the desire to make trouble, just be heard so I can pass good info when I find it. And truly, I did search to see if the link was posted, and I did search and was unable to scroll to find my post in any of the pages, except when I go to my own account and click the link.
Hey man something I need u to truely understand a come to terms with is the dedication from the family. I know I'm no where near the most dedicated person that comes here but just speaking my own truth I personally scroll through every post through the day and try my best to dig deep into the feeds so I give my best effort to hear many peoples thoughts. And there r people that I can promise u as a whole no post as of right now is getting truely buried. Even if its not ur post one of use will pass on something if its potential helpful to us all. Ur voice might not be the one portraying the message but ur words r the core of it so be proud about that. U have to accept ur not responsible for truth getting out or how its received. As long as u keep sharing that's all we need to do
There are so many New Posts coming in so quickly that a new post is new for a minute or less.
I get that, but I searched by time of posting and mine was not there. thanks tho.
I've shared this site with data dumps a few times. But then it disappears from the NEW page so few people see it. What's going on? Link again:
you and everyone else has shared it several times.
I searched for it before posting and didn't see it anywhere
Because your link is just a way to try and promote yourself.... it's spammy
just an edumacated guess
Nonsense. Did you even look at the link? Wow.
The post is not shit because you found parts of it to be imperfect.
This is a very true profound statement. If ur post got dumped for low effort or repeat or any reason u should be informed when and why so u can not make it again or be able to make it into something appropriate