posted ago by Dabigcasina ago by Dabigcasina +122 / -0

Im gonna post the kind of comment that is always poo-pooed and rightly so. Look at my comment history- I have zero insider knowledge of anything and do not purport to have any special insight on the awakening. This is a random conversation in my daily life.

The aunt of one of the soldiers who has been assigned to AF1 for the past 2 or 3 years reports that he just received an assignment to continue on AF1 with Trump for the next 4 months. The only other thing that was said is that shit is “fixing to get crazy”.

That is the totality of the information. Came in a casual conversation Friday. I did not know of the connection before the conversation and have no additional info to add. Hypothetically speaking, she could have made it all up (although I don’t know to what ends). The one thing that was confusing to me is: why 4 months?

Just thought it was interesting and wanted to share.