Today, a friend of mine came over to transfer some data.. We've known each other since several years and been in rather close contact, but we have never discussed politics much. Let alone global politics..
While the data was being copied, we were discussing covid and lockdowns in Europe, the usual stuff.. Suddenly, he asked me what I thought about the US and what was going on there.. I have cautiously answered that things could be different than what media attempted to paint and that Biden was, in my view, entirely unfit for the office.. He replied, that he, too, thought that Trump still could have some aces in the sleeve and that the 25k troops in the DC were not a normal occurence..
I have already started to suspect something so I took the risk and asked directly.. "Do you know what Q is"? He gave me a huge grin and his answer was overwhelming, folks.. he's been an avid Q follower since 2017.. he knew all the names (Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, PrayingMedic, Gen.Flynn, Ivanka, Pompeo, Pence, Gen.Nakasone..), he has followed all the drops, all the details, has been a member of at least six different QAnon groups.. Just wow.. Then I told him about me and my activities and we found that we've been meeting each other on the vk forums since ages..
It might not sound much to you, but you have to realize this happened just an hour ago in a tiny almost unknown European land, thousands of miles away from your shores, with two people who normally couldn't give damn about what was happening in a completely foreign distant country somewhere over the ocean.. but in fact we do care, you are not alone in this.. this is, indeed, a global thing and a global movement and Trump has our love, trust, confidence and devotion, just like he has yours..
We've been friends, now we're all brothers.. Hold the line and never give up..
Thank you, patriot! The Best Is Yet To Come - Worldwide!