What are some good ways on how we can keep the oppressors/violators of our rights and liberties out of positions of power/wealth/influence for generations to come?
For Starters: Should we outlaw any political ideology that usurps the idea of american freedom?
Definitely term limits auditing them and their families every 2 years. Capital crime for pedophiles. If proven then the death penalty. No more welfare Ever! It allows people to be complacent, not move forward, and feel entitled. No more skin color EVER! If you are an American, then that's worth more than skin color. Mandatory history and civics k-12. Criminal prosecution for indoctrination of a child, their parents have that job! Weekend jail for parents who don't control their kids and let them commit crimes. No more censorship! People are too soft from the PC culture. Your feelings are YOUR responsibility, no one but YOU can control them. Prayer back in school. Mandatory sterilization if you lose custody of a child for abuse or neglect. Just for starters.