4chan is compromised - I was banned for posting new Q proof
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4Chan was compromised well over a year ago when it turned into a bunch of pants-pissing commie millennials with TDS.
Well over a decade ago. Have you ever heard of Moot or any of the pranks /b used to do? Shit was legendary
Same. So many people actually believe 4chan is a bunch of h4ckers it’s sad. Yes pol is fun when you feel like going down some rabbit holes but it’s been ronpaulhappening.jpeg for years now
I would be a .gif not a .jpeg.
Yep. All 123 x 256 pixels of it.
Nope, I'll have to look it up. I found 4chan/pol shortly after Trump was inaugurated and found it to be a refreshing break from political correctness (and I don't offend easily, so the female-bashing amused me). Last year sometime, though, it got unbearable due to the invasion of a bunch of commie dicks with TDS. I think they all came from Tumblr, to be honest, because it was around that time when they had the 4chan/Tumblr war.
Lots of paid shills on pol. It’s funny to watch them fight. But since the election the insanity has been a bloodbath.
4chan’s been compromised for at least the past decade
Are they still mad Q left that place?
I didn't even know you could be banned from 4chan
Maybe you were banned for a terrible post ?
9/10 of the posts there are terrible
was banned several hours ago, just minutes after i had found the 00:49 Q proof and rushed to post it.
but then someone might post before you
Q post from 2017 posted at 00:49 am "Underground massive data center?"
2.3 magnitude earthquake (BOMB) at exactly 00:49 am yesterday
At the same time a random barn on a patch of land EXPLODES in Virginia near where the Seismic earthquake was detected.
BREADCRUMBS: the random barn exploding is what made other people search for the earthquake tremors. Then i saw someone post about the Q Data center post. so i checked it and found the 00:49 time stamp match.
God's Rods?
Still good work, anon. I didn't see the post about this yesterday but I saw this. Definitely refreshing and a little scary to see how exactly this has all been mapped out.
why do you think Q moved? And why congress tried to (and did) get 8chan taken down? Remember, codemonkey is in control of 8kun. It wont get compromised.(and by that i mean censored and such like this post is showing)
didn't fucking Q say this?
random post's were going around a few hours earlier of an IRC chat saying "4chan just went down for a few minutes, and when it came back it will no longer be 4chan" (meaning glowies now control it)
I was banned for something similar and my appeal was immediately denied.
Mine was Q speculation and the ban reason was Global Rule 1 violation which is "You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law."
Hmm the timing of that ban sure is interesting
I didn't even know you could be banned from 4chan
4chan /pol/ has lots of doomer shills...
Not me it's 20th or bust! We have a country to save!
"This is not a game"