posted ago by bob1111 ago by bob1111 +25 / -1

We all know how much the CIA and military like to get involved with mass media. Going way back to movies like Top Gun and Red October the military lends out assets and uniforms etc. by way of having $100M recruitment videos aired in the cinemas that everyone pays to go and see - nice work !

I would wager that Q has got many people juicing to be spys, analysts and even military - just keep that in mind before you rush to become canon fodder in some new banking cartel war zone.

This should be about change - real change - decentralization - group participation and so forth.

If this all leads back around in a circle - that is not the true intention is it.

We need less Govt - much much less Govt - if any at all

Not to be led up the garden path into a massive hot war with Chyna .