Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger", also former INFOWARS contributor, and friend of Alex Jones, is talking shit about other online "sources" being "bad actors". Seems to be talking about Jaun O Savin, Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, and Robert David Steele. https://www.bitchute.com/video/YXGv47yF6MS6/
He, like Alex Jones, is running with the Bolshevik "Truth-Operation" theory that Q is a similar PsyOp. https://www.sgtreport.com/2021/01/q-anon-bears-striking-resemblance-to-bolshevik-psy-op-from-1920s-known-as-operation-trust/
I saw an awesome post on greatawakening.win that disproves this theory: https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0pnSHCy/operation-trust-and-q-are-differ/
Then, I see another video of Robert David Steele talking shit about Mike Adams. Saying Mike Adams is talking shit about him, Simon Parkes, and Charlie Ward. Yes, it has come to this. Shitshow engaged. https://www.bitchute.com/video/IJPmgWDxnWme/
In conclusion, what a fucking time to live in. All the above are fucking retards, and I'll stick to Dave, and his X22 Report thank you very much.
I never miss an X22 Report, and Project Veritas is awesome. I listen to SGT Report as well. I will check out the others. Thanks Fren!
Reposting again, as Mike Adams has had some shady associations in the past.
Maybe he was/is just clueless and being fed disinfo, as well. Or controlled opposition (knowingly or not), or in on it.
But his info seems wrong.
from elsewhere in GA.W:
[repost of part of a reply to a bobby777 post] > Mike Adams does seem sketchy:
http://greatawakening.win/p/11Rhd2jiUb/major-general-paul-e Major General Paul E. Vallely on Q-group - GreatAwakening - WWG1WGA!
“Michael Aquino and wife Lilith (the name of a folkloric demoness). Yellow Pages ad for the Temple of Set stating,“Intelligent and ethical initiation into the arts and sciences of the prince of darkness”
And for y/our further edification, Lilith Aquino has also been photographed with ‘Health Ranger' Mike Adams, and a frequent contributor, Rima Laibow, was married to Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine, who stared at goats and also hung out with Aquino.
She's also notorious for the 'metaphorical' video 'I am Adam Lanza's Doctor' and her association with FMSA, the 'False Memory Syndrome Foundation' that disparages alleged ritual abuse claimants...”
That's Scott McKay, who I think has good info. However he got his info from Mike Adams last night, which prompted the additional show. He and Monkey are pals, and monkey had a great write up yesterday too. https://www.monkeywerxus.com/blog/the-sicilian-defense
all good, solid, and they generally don't make extraordinary claims.
According to a long ago document by Gunther Russbacher (founder along with then wife Rayelan, of Rumor Mill News) - at one point as mayor, Giuliani coordinated from NY with a c_ special ops team in Europe, that did a sky-jump mission to rescue a captive boy from a pedo elite's castle.
RMN's files got unexpectedly deleted a few years ago, but I've never forgotten reading that. If true, he may be an anti-trafficking good guy.
Yeah, his vibe has always felt off.
Especially when they run that 'help, I'm on the run, the cabal is after me!' episodic scenario, where the person 'running' checks in regularly with the on-air host.
Doesn't everyone understand that just like there were 100s of ways the vote was stolen... there will be 100s of paths that the truth will be revealed?
My wife and I 'Used To' listen to Mike,Steve Quayle, Haggmann and Haggmann, and AJ. We stopped as we realized All they push is gloom and enslavement by either China and or Russia. For example we live near Wasilla AK and Steve Quayle pushed out that the Russians were using that city as a "Staging Area" for when they plan to recapture Ak! While many Russian immigrants make Wasilla their home it could hardly be considered a pre invasion force. When we lived there from December 2014-May 2017 our neighbors were Russian, nicest people we knew there. Viktor literally filled our freezer with salmon he and his son's caught dip netting in 2016. But I digress, Mike Adams pushed for the spring of last year that covid 19 was going to claim 2-5 Million lives in the USA. All of their sons or are survival preppers. If you follow them you would come to believe economic collapse is imminent as is mass starvation and enslavement by China. They've been pushing Trump is finished and he Knows it, screw that and them! Their words will literally crush your souls.
Lots of Russians in Delta too. You still in AK?
Yup, Palmer. When POTUS gets the swamp dealt with and our country opens up we plan to move back to the lower 48. My wife's family lives in Wi. I'm from MN but we're looking to move to South Dakota. Love their governor, Noem was the Only Governor who never locked down or allowed mask mandates!
Nice. I’m up in Fairbanks and I’ve worked all year long and never worn a mask either. Things are definitely a little different the closer you get to Anchorage, did a fishing trip with out of state relatives and some friends this summer to Kenai and it blew my mind the way things were down there. South Dakota is definitely doing things right so I wish you luck in that endeavor.
I recently quit my job at the Wasilla walmart, the way they treat not only their employees is horrible. The corporate heads have been hiring the coldest picks they can find to be in store management. Everyone I knew there who have worked for walmart 15 years or more have either been forced out via early retirement and take severance or fired outright. They fired my wife after just 6 weeks of employment after she Dared to inconvenience one of the assistant managers to take a customer assistance phone call after no one picked up a call in electronics. When she inquired why she was being let go all the hr gal said was they were going thru names of people we are thinking of firing and your name came up? I have no doubts that walmart will be one of those corporations that will require it's associates to get the covid vaccine to work. I have zero doubts that walmart is fully complicit in this ccp plot to use covid to usurp Trump so walmart will no longer have to pay those tariffs.
I've been following Dave for years but his predictions haven't been so great either.For months he was claiming Biden would be replaced by Michelle Obama, even up to a week before the nominee was announced at the convention.
I agree, but at the time it made sense. I mean, c'mon...Biden? Really? Still scratching my head over that one, unless for the d-party mafia he really IS the Big Guy, or they got the voter fraud dialed in to where it didn't matter...Dave has gotten a lot of things wrong, but who hasn't? We all know some things, but nobody that's talking knows everything.
It did make sense for Michelle to be the nominee since she had popularity, could boost minority turnout and could put up a better fight against Trump.But i believe the CCP has Biden in their pocket more than Michelle Obama so the nominee was always going to be Biden, chosen by the CCP.
Also, Biden will be easy for them to get rid of. Big Mike, not so much.
Here's another beef video: (https://youtu.be/qVSy4O3k3u4)
But also, these are the final days of evil in this time.
The layers of lies are at their maximum possible.
We are at confusion purified.
Will be fun when the curtain gets thrown back for the world in a couple days here. :)
Anyone who speaks just because they already have an audience, without being sure about what they are saying...
deserves to have their audience leave them until they have a solid belief to uphold.