Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger", also former INFOWARS contributor, and friend of Alex Jones, is talking shit about other online "sources" being "bad actors". Seems to be talking about Jaun O Savin, Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, and Robert David Steele. https://www.bitchute.com/video/YXGv47yF6MS6/
He, like Alex Jones, is running with the Bolshevik "Truth-Operation" theory that Q is a similar PsyOp. https://www.sgtreport.com/2021/01/q-anon-bears-striking-resemblance-to-bolshevik-psy-op-from-1920s-known-as-operation-trust/
I saw an awesome post on greatawakening.win that disproves this theory: https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0pnSHCy/operation-trust-and-q-are-differ/
Then, I see another video of Robert David Steele talking shit about Mike Adams. Saying Mike Adams is talking shit about him, Simon Parkes, and Charlie Ward. Yes, it has come to this. Shitshow engaged. https://www.bitchute.com/video/IJPmgWDxnWme/
In conclusion, what a fucking time to live in. All the above are fucking retards, and I'll stick to Dave, and his X22 Report thank you very much.
According to a long ago document by Gunther Russbacher (founder along with then wife Rayelan, of Rumor Mill News) - at one point as mayor, Giuliani coordinated from NY with a c_ special ops team in Europe, that did a sky-jump mission to rescue a captive boy from a pedo elite's castle.
RMN's files got unexpectedly deleted a few years ago, but I've never forgotten reading that. If true, he may be an anti-trafficking good guy.