If SCOTUS or Pence did what we (selfishly) wanted them to do, then...
- military would NOT have been the only way
- there would have been no CHECKMATE
- no RED 1..6
- no fence around the Capitol (owl in fence, when does a bird sing)
- no Great Awakening (Trump would be President-Select for half the country)
So... are SCOTUS and Pence traitors? Maybe... but their inaction are not proof of that. So far, their inaction are perfectly consistent with THE PLAN.
This, and its bigger than just catching them all.
Trump, is going to build a 100% COMPLETELY NEW, MAGA-tastic government.
See the problem is even if you somehow cleared out all the bad people, the traitors, the evil people, the bastards, and hte globalists... there is still the fact the system was broken enough to let them gain control in the first place. Which means with the passing of time, the black hats will once again gain control of the US government and crush America.
The sad reality is the Constitution is a great idea, but it has holes and fatal flaws.
So to get America ready for actual change, he needed to show us all the system doesn't even remotely function, that in the WORST POSSLE CASE scenario of a horribly insane/unfit crook, be backed by traitors, as a major foreign power is subverting us....that none of the checks against foreign interference in our elections would work. This is all optics all the way down.
I believe this ends with a major rewrite of the constitution and how the government functions. It will be a republic government immune to treason and the power of special interests at the expense of the national interest.
But to get there, he had to get us on board. And the thing is...TECHNICALLY both Pence and SCOTUS were lawful.
See the fault is the states are all corrupt and lawfully certified their false votes. SOCTUS refused the case on the very valid grounds it would create precident where courts not votes decided elections, and Pence was lawfully certifying the official state votes. Sure it was mechanical, but they had to show the system as broken.
The goal, to get us here, with DC filled with soldiers because the storm is here.
And now things will get very dramatic.
if trump saves america, we're going to need more than putting him on mt rushmore...