Man, if that cabal/cannibal/pedo list (was here in one of the posts, cannot find it now, not sure even I want to atm), with all of those pop culture icons, prominent figures, proves to be true... I have some serious thinking to do, re-evaluate my movie and music collection... FFS some of those things shaped my personality growing up, the way I interact with people, some character traits that I am pretty proud of... Seriously, Tom Hanks... WTF?! And stupid fucking Friends show brought smile on my face through some pretty lost moments in my life. It's stupid, I know, but it would be completely dishonest to claim that pop culture did not affect us in significant way, at all... Something is seriously rotten in human nature.... Sorry for this rant, had to get it out...
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Look at LA and it’s inhabitants. The Osbornes( satanic),Billy Idol, they all flock there and make it there home. If you look at the output of Hollywood since 1980 you can see the introduction of ever more dark subject matters. Start with Lost Boys and you’ll end up re-examining every movie you’ve ever watched. In England we say hidden in plain sight.
Arnie from Austria to Venice Beach and super star status.Great guy, The American Dream, Governor marries up into political establishment.
Where did he start? When did he start? Was his toned body natural? Did he arrive in London in the late 60s early 70s? Was he ever seen with top Brit celebs of the day like the monster Jimmy Savile? Once you inject anabolic steroid to achieve your dreams will you stop there or will you try other body enhancing injections? What’s the pineal gland? What’s its alleged benefit to some?
David Icke has known all this for years, has been telling people for years and it looks like he’s being proven right.