242 BREAKING: An alert has gone off in the Capitol urging people to stay inside and not leave — due to an external security threat. The alert urged people to stay away from windows and doors. -- Manu Raju, CNN (twitter.com) posted 4 years ago by scarletcarrson 4 years ago by scarletcarrson +245 / -3 23 comments share 23 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Tent fire?
CNN will say a MAGA had molotov cocktails probably.
In fact theyve already probably ran that headline.
That assumes that's what the threat was and not a coincidence.
More FAKE news?
Biden wanted a virtual inauguration, he said this a few weeks ago.
I posted this literally one minute after it was tweeted, it’s old from hours ago and it was nothing.
live feed: https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0uQfqw5/live-feed-outside-capitol-perime/c/
hearing a lot of sirens.
We need a sticky please mods!
Why did this get stickied all of a sudden?
i have no idea but i'm mad because there's tons of people commenting mad, THIS IS OLD NEWS, NOTHING CAME OF IT EVERYBODY MOVE ON lol
Big threat to the dimwitocrat traitors. Homeless fire.
Nashville pt. 2
Fear mongering Commies.