I was going back over Q posts, as I am sure many of us have especially recently...
I got to posts No. 7538263 & No. 7538264; the latter being a duplicate of the former, I am trying to remember about the duplication of those posts by Q as well as having the same time stamp at 22:03:45 Dated:12/17/2019...... Does anyone recall, please, what or if anything was followed up on that after the original board page was completed for that session?
I remember the responses in that session and it was mentioned by a few as a bug, with others saying it was intentional. I remembered it mainly because of the post in that session, by an Anon, about Scrivener’s Law and so, having never heard of it before I had to look it up, I used the attached addresses, as well as my own searches to understand what the word meant in that post, so that’s why I remembered it again after so long..
But I cannot remember if there was any follow up discussed to those posts...can anyone out there help please?
Yes there are mate... those are the original numbers from the board...
It’s not from the Q compilation sites...
For those that don’t know I was referring to 3717 on Qanon.pub.... I don’t know if those numbers vary from Q compilation site to Q compilation site as I don’t use them.
Thanks for the clarification fren. WWG1WGA