1070 COGCON 2 — A very Good friend (Basically a Brother) of mine that works in Active Duty DHS (Coast Guard) Just Informed me he received a phone call today Alerting him that The Continuity of Government Level has been raised to Condition 2. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by stormofsteel 4 years ago by stormofsteel +1070 / -0 220 comments download share 220 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
yep. my buddy said it was supposed to only go out to the troops in DC but he said everyone he knows got the call.
I believe ya. There's tons of chatter all around because everyone knows something is up. Not surprising for this to happen right now.
There's definitely a feeling in the air. I'm preparing myself to be let down, but even with bracing myself I'm still going to be disappointed if nothing happens.
Coast guard is littoral and Washington d.c. has Potomac coastline.
Coast Guard patrols the Potomac frequently. Patrols usually increase around an inauguration as well.
Coast Guard HQ is in Washington DC! I was stationed right across the street from Ft. MC Nair at CG HQ in 1981. It was called Buzzard's Point!
Giant Voice?