1070 COGCON 2 — A very Good friend (Basically a Brother) of mine that works in Active Duty DHS (Coast Guard) Just Informed me he received a phone call today Alerting him that The Continuity of Government Level has been raised to Condition 2. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by stormofsteel 4 years ago by stormofsteel +1070 / -0 220 comments download share 220 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
FYI - 73101 is Oklahoma City area, and could be around Tinker Air Force Base. Note: I am in the Tulsa area and this is the first I've heard of COGCON.
ayye glad to see another Tulsan here.
my bet is on Tinker AFB also. the SABRE Center is underneath Tinker AFB, it’s a nuke proof bunker facility that handles ALL Domestic/MIL air communications and traffic for CONUS.
73101 is in OKC downtown area. Most of downtown is 73102. I am about 4 miles from downtown and I am 73107. I agree with Tinker, home of the AWAC’s!
makes sense why people would need to google it then.