Martial law was always the Democrat fantasy - but there is no need for martial law, or the insurrection act. The military is the only way - yes - to INVESTIGATE the fraudulent traitors. And having proven corruption in the civil law, then yes - the military is the only way - to TRY them in courts martial, to avoid the corruption that the investigation found. But there is no need to invoke it generally on the whole nation.
If Trump had tried to invoke martial law the world wide headlines would be "Military coup by Trump the dictator" and there would be a firestorm of bad press, calls for a world wide boycott/sanctions/missile strikes directed at Trumps location. Whereas, if the military gathered evidence is presented first to the world, that will be the fuel to the firestorm against THEM. People trust the military, and they certainly trust their own eyes. All Trump has to do is DECLASS the evidence gathered by the military.
Eyes on for the military to do an irrefutable presentation of their investigation, video, audio, witnesses, soon. Then the world will call for - clamour - for Trump to be inaugurated as the rightful President.
The military [evidence] is the only way.
Nice handshake account doomer.
na I am flipping between, it will happen to Oh noes we are fucked.
Cant help it dude, this is a rollorcoaster.
I think we're all at that point. We got less than 48 hours until the movie ends. Will it end in a massive win for all America and the world or will it end with nothing and Biden's installation actually happening.