14 Nightwatch(Advanced Airborne Command Post "Doomsday plane") took of from Dyess AFB a short while ago(heading N/NE) (globe.adsbexchange.com) posted 4 years ago by ThomasMaker 4 years ago by ThomasMaker +14 / -0 16 comments share 16 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Hey - also, check out EGY1101 over Canada, north of New York. Egyptian!
That is NOT the weirdest thing about that plane......... https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=010086
Altitude keep changing to way outside it's maximum capability(jumping from 23k feet, to 33k feet, to 96K feet...)
Open it up in 2 tabs and switch between them with one more zoomed out, it just broke 100 000 feet for a moment...
Even a glitch wouldn't have a plane constantly jump from 20k feet to altitudes more than 3 times it's maximum possible altitude capability..
why not? Glitches are unpredictable, and what aircraft can do such changes of altitude and survive?
I was watching this plane too and it was changing altitudes by 3x or so in seconds.
Thats a glitch.