Due to the Posse Comitatus Act, the active duty US Army and Air Force can not be deployed into the US unless the Insurrection Act or Martial Law has been activated...however, this law DOES NOT pertain to the the United States Marines. This is why Q mentions the Marines multiple times.
Today, the Pentagon announced they have deployed active duty troops to DC. This means one of two things. Either the the Insurrection Act is active and shit is going down....or Q was right about the Marines...and shit is going down.
Either way, Schiff's going down.
I hope shit's going down..
7 Q drops specifically citing the Marines:
Marines Pay close attention to Drop 22
Marines and NCR
Active duty may serve away from their duty station in a TDY (temporary duty) location without being in “deployed” status. Any AD mil present in DC from around the country are there on TDY orders.
I am very familiar with at TDY. A temporary duty station does not does not give military the ability to be an authority figure over US civilians. Sending active duty military to stand guard in a civilian setting is not a TDY.
Either way works for me.