There are now way over 25,000 NG in DC alone, along with a massive buildup of materiel. What are all the bulldozers and backhoes and dump trucks for? Why deputize NG as US Marshals? Number of deputized now up to 4,000? Don't really think you need a bulldozer to arrest a rightwing protestor. Even two or three. No. There is a lot more going on here than has happened so far. This is a prelude to a major event.
If no major event is going to happen then what is the MASSIVE buildup for? One could argue that the huge military buildup is to prevent a "right wing" riot in DC and in every state capitol - but the left knows better than that. They know that we don't riot. Besides that the left does not control the military especially not the marines and this buildup is composed of NG, active military and marines and the NG in DC is controlled directly by POTUS as are the marines. So the arguments that the buildup is the left doing it to protect the Biden inauguration is weak and appears specious.
The far stronger argument is that the buildup has been planned for a long time - was planned way in advance. The reason for it obviously has to do with anticipated rioting which always comes from the left - including especially on the 6th of Jan in DC. What is going to trigger left rioting? The failure to inaugurate Biden, that's what. Exactly how it is going to play out I don't know. Only those involved in the whole plan, the planners at the top, know. To me and to many others it's obvious that inauguration day is going to be "special" this year. Joe was not elected. Trump was elected. There was massive, treasonous electoral fraud. Post election there was complicity in the courts to cover up the fraud. Even the SCOTUS was complicit in that treason. We have hard evidence that China, Russia and Italy were complicit. If you wonder at the huge buildup think of the huge forces involved. Think that there are Chinese forces in Canada and Venezuela. Trump is always ready. The overwhelming will of the American people is not going to be subverted by a small, hyper-wealthy, hyper-criminal cabal. We will not permit that to happen. The fate of the world for the next few hundred years is in these balance pans: Genocide and neo-feudalism versus a new Age of Enlightenment.