I've been steadily doomin' since 1/6 and after today's FLOTUS farewell speech my hopes are dead. Some years ago I heard about the topic of the U.S being turned into a corporation a long time ago, forgot about it but have since been reading about on here and TD.W. So does anyone know if there are countries that haven't been ensnared in the ... countries turned into corporations scam?
I'd like to someday, somehow gtfo of this country now that elections are completely rigged in the vital swing states with mail-in votes and these grotesque electronic voting machines unless Texas secedes and other states follow.
Not trying to piss any of you off, just trying to think of a hopeful possible future.
Stand fast fren, a 2nd Declaration is on its way! WE got this, stand with us!
I'll try, thanks.
It was turned into a corporation long ago. Potus is returning it to a constitutional Republic. Fear not. You have to steel yourself stop listening to things you hear. Optics. You need to listen to x22report. Here 30 minutes you will feel better. Find dave on rumble. https://rumble.com/vcy7it-ep.-2380b-optics-and-timing-are-extremely-important-insurgency-is-real-the-.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=X22+Report&ep=1
I've heard some of x22's stuff recently. I don't know what to believe anymore, so disillusioned after scotus threw out that case last month. I will click those links after dinner. Thx.
If true that the corporation is dead, then the SCOTUS had no power to do anything anyways as they are part of that corporation.
In the Republic. no one is currently sitting in those seats of government. We have to have states appoint Senators. Elect a House and a new President. Then seat a new SCOTUS.
This is the part that requires thought. It seems you haven't dopne th research to understand any of this but regardless of what happens you should.
Never admit to being a US Citizen. You are a state national with full rights.
I've recently heard of those ideas about needing to re-elect basically every1 butI have not heard about being a "state national"? Can you provide any links or reading material about that?
I should send you a copy of my bookmarks. The topic is so vast it is very hard to just send a link. You literally have to start at the Civil War and understand what happened. (not slavery) Then work forward with everything that happened.
The act of 1871 14th Amendment Erie Railroad SCOTUS decision 1933 The new deal The 3rd American Bankruptcy
Good point but eventually the global control freaks will set their eyes on every inch of the planet.
Damn. I feared so. Thx.
Any countries that are not a corporation?
I do know this. The list of countries that do not have a Rothschild Central Bank.
Syria Iran North Korea Somalia
I would guess those countries are also NOT corporations.
Yikes, my caucasian ass would likely not do well in any of those places.
Might be wrong on that one...think she is deeply involved in the righteous fight for God's victory...don't lose faith, too many things (if you really look and analyze) happening for there not to be a Patriot victory!
I can understand that she's not "in the know" but I can also see Trump giving her the green light to put out that farewell message. Both are very reasonable thoughts.