I don't know if Ward is full of shit or not but he is not a flat earth guy. He merely allowed one on his show to present his (bizarre) facts. I have no issue with someone expressing an opinion i dont agree with.
I do have an issue with an arsehole spreading BS to attack someone.
If you want to slag Ward use facts not fiction.
After all he basically says the same stuff that Q says and if he is wrong will be irrelevant in a couple of days
I don't know if Ward is full of shit or not but he is not a flat earth guy. He merely allowed one on his show to present his (bizarre) facts. I have no issue with someone expressing an opinion i dont agree with. I do have an issue with an arsehole spreading BS to attack someone. If you want to slag Ward use facts not fiction. After all he basically says the same stuff that Q says and if he is wrong will be irrelevant in a couple of days