I don't know what the meaning of the number is. I'll give you another one from earlier this year. My best friend Bryan died in March- age 32. His birthday was January 14th. One day I was working and I was all alone. I took a break in the car to smoke a cigarette. I had been thinking about Bryan all day so I decided to go to station "114" (Jan 14th) on the satellite radio to see if the random song playing would have any meaning. I got there and it was Fox News. So I sat and listened to that for my break. When I got back to work (I'm a painter), I positioned my ladder and climbed up to my next area. When I reached the top rung, guess what was written on the wall, right in front of my face? "1 1/4." The construction people wrote it there as a measurement for the board. How many coincidences. This might be meaningless, but I've seen it so many times I do believe there's something meaningful about it.
The paint crew and construction crew were working simultaneously together an a beautiful old house that was being restored. They had to cut many different boards to many different measurements. They were often writing on the boards in pencil/marker as they worked. The 1 1/4 wasn't a standard marking on the board but a pencil mark written by one of the construction guys. And after a day where I was thinking of my friend so much, even had tears form in my eyes at a point. Like I say, could be coincidence. But I choose to search for signs from God and I take that as one of them. I do understand your mentality, as I myself would have said the same once upon a time. Cheers, and best of luck wherever your personal journey takes you my friend. Keep your eyes open, perhaps you will see what believe I have seen.
I don't know what the meaning of the number is. I'll give you another one from earlier this year. My best friend Bryan died in March- age 32. His birthday was January 14th. One day I was working and I was all alone. I took a break in the car to smoke a cigarette. I had been thinking about Bryan all day so I decided to go to station "114" (Jan 14th) on the satellite radio to see if the random song playing would have any meaning. I got there and it was Fox News. So I sat and listened to that for my break. When I got back to work (I'm a painter), I positioned my ladder and climbed up to my next area. When I reached the top rung, guess what was written on the wall, right in front of my face? "1 1/4." The construction people wrote it there as a measurement for the board. How many coincidences. This might be meaningless, but I've seen it so many times I do believe there's something meaningful about it.
The paint crew and construction crew were working simultaneously together an a beautiful old house that was being restored. They had to cut many different boards to many different measurements. They were often writing on the boards in pencil/marker as they worked. The 1 1/4 wasn't a standard marking on the board but a pencil mark written by one of the construction guys. And after a day where I was thinking of my friend so much, even had tears form in my eyes at a point. Like I say, could be coincidence. But I choose to search for signs from God and I take that as one of them. I do understand your mentality, as I myself would have said the same once upon a time. Cheers, and best of luck wherever your personal journey takes you my friend. Keep your eyes open, perhaps you will see what believe I have seen.
It is normal measurement in inches. One and one quarter inch
I think it was more to mean the coincidence of seeing the number, not what the actual number stands for.
Also, you don't know how many centimeters are in an inch?