Not to mention the Wuhan lab is connected to and has been funded by Fauci’s NIAID and the Fort Detrick Lab. New studies are showing COVID has parts of the HIV virus, which shows it is manmade. Fort Detrick is where the HIV studies went on. It is also where the ebola vaccine studies went on. It all makes sense. It’s all so very interconnected.
Yes and that first part is really the only interesting part. Once you say black rock has investment x and vanguard has investment x it's bullshit because they run both index funds which invest in everything. So any connection through blackrock or vanguard need to be much more specifically documented as relevant power structures.
Last week Beck was talking about Biden's administration being full of Black Rock personnel. Seems like a circle jerk of connected people and we are the cookie that gets hosed
Its too bad George Soros can only be executed one time. This guy is what evil is all about!!!
he was already executed.
Yep, plus a whole lot more..................When they say you cant stop whats coming they really meant it.
mUh BoDy DoUbLeS
mUh dArk JuDgEs
Not to mention the Wuhan lab is connected to and has been funded by Fauci’s NIAID and the Fort Detrick Lab. New studies are showing COVID has parts of the HIV virus, which shows it is manmade. Fort Detrick is where the HIV studies went on. It is also where the ebola vaccine studies went on. It all makes sense. It’s all so very interconnected.
The Wuhan lab which was supposed to have it's funding stopped but BHO carried on anyway, with US tax dollars!
One occurrence is bad luck. Two occurrences are coincidence. THREE occurrences is enemy action.
Yes and that first part is really the only interesting part. Once you say black rock has investment x and vanguard has investment x it's bullshit because they run both index funds which invest in everything. So any connection through blackrock or vanguard need to be much more specifically documented as relevant power structures.
Last week Beck was talking about Biden's administration being full of Black Rock personnel. Seems like a circle jerk of connected people and we are the cookie that gets hosed
Lost me at Glaxosmithklyne owns the Wuhan Virology Institute. Nope - owned by the Chinese Academy of Science
is it true that GSK owns the lab?
Source on that
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?