This comment showed up at the top without the comment it replied to, as it was stickied, and I was very confused. I thought you were threatening to ban yourself, until I scrolled down farther and saw the original thread.
I’d have to respectfully disagree with your assessment.
I’ve known about .win for a bit now, but never got acclimated until QRV, the only other Q endorsed forum was shut down.
This is a great platform, it reminds me of QRV in its glory days, and I’m sure an influx of other users from banned platforms are here helping with the high quality input.
Some of the stickies stood out as a bit cluttered, then a bit more questionable. Seeing this warning stickied in this thread begins to worry me more. This is fine though, as it’s up to the board to decide what gets stickied, and I do like the idea of recognition of certain posts, and can serve a good purpose.
This stream of consciousness style post is right in line with Q’s methodology, and highlights some great timeline events.
There is some very well thought out and interesting word play and concepts it brings out, which is what makes a great post, it makes you think. It makes me think about all the interesting head fakes and contradictions Q has used as a tool to manipulate the enemy for one.
I can see exactly what you mean that it could very well be a well thought out doomer post, but this is subjective as well. The energy and thought that went into it doesn’t seem to imply a shill, it seems to imply someone who has followed closely and understands the power of these statements and throw back posts. Highlighting them in this large stream set up like this was actually a great morale boost for me personally, it brings up great points, and powerful statements and emotion.
Your entire comment stream is doom/concern trolling. Only warning before ban.
Why are you replying to your own thread? This post makes no sense...
I had the same question
For the doomer shill
This comment showed up at the top without the comment it replied to, as it was stickied, and I was very confused. I thought you were threatening to ban yourself, until I scrolled down farther and saw the original thread.
I don't understand this comment at all. Seems to me like an excellent re-hash of what we've been seeing for the last few years and I love it!
Is this referring to the photo OP provided?
I’d have to respectfully disagree with your assessment.
I’ve known about .win for a bit now, but never got acclimated until QRV, the only other Q endorsed forum was shut down.
This is a great platform, it reminds me of QRV in its glory days, and I’m sure an influx of other users from banned platforms are here helping with the high quality input.
Some of the stickies stood out as a bit cluttered, then a bit more questionable. Seeing this warning stickied in this thread begins to worry me more. This is fine though, as it’s up to the board to decide what gets stickied, and I do like the idea of recognition of certain posts, and can serve a good purpose.
This stream of consciousness style post is right in line with Q’s methodology, and highlights some great timeline events.
There is some very well thought out and interesting word play and concepts it brings out, which is what makes a great post, it makes you think. It makes me think about all the interesting head fakes and contradictions Q has used as a tool to manipulate the enemy for one.
I can see exactly what you mean that it could very well be a well thought out doomer post, but this is subjective as well. The energy and thought that went into it doesn’t seem to imply a shill, it seems to imply someone who has followed closely and understands the power of these statements and throw back posts. Highlighting them in this large stream set up like this was actually a great morale boost for me personally, it brings up great points, and powerful statements and emotion.