This is not a self-promoting article so please don’t try to shame me. My intentions are honorable and I am only here to inform. Hopefully the Mods will leave this up.
There is something that IS going to happen at the end of this show. There is a substantial impact of The Great Awakening that is NOT being discussed… yet it is the most important underlayment to all that is transpiring.
When all is said and done, when human beings en masse unite and celebrate around the actual truth, something extraordinary will result on planet Earth. We human beings, will cause a sudden and immediate shift in the electromagnetic energy field (frequency) on planet Earth. Although we have not been educated on planetary physics... doesn’t mean the science doesn’t exist. It does. Those who would cause us harm have been aware of this science from the beginning.
The electromagnetic field of energy on the planet is generated by human beings. We cause its sway. What we have been living in for centuries is an electromagnetic field we generated by feeling fear. It was a trick, a manipulation of our human homeostasis. It is not by accident that the major apparatuses governing our lives have been intentionally architected around FEAR (the DESIGN ZENITH)… instead of joy and love. We all see this quite vividly now.
When the masses of human beings change their demeanor worldwide from fear and hate to love and joy the earth’s frequency changes with it. What we are about to experience is akin to walking into a room full of hateful and angry people to a room full of joyful and loving people. Imagine, if you will, the extreme differences in what these two rooms might produce as outcomes and the worlds they would build. This shift happens simultaneously, immediately and ubiquitously with our collective Great Awakening. We will do this. It is the science underneath it all.
So during the turmoil that is about to transpire right in front of us over the coming days or weeks… be joyful, don’t panic, eliminate all fears. False flags, all propaganda, stump speeches of lies, mobs, riots, projection are all intended to cause us fear. This is the founding principle permeating all Cabal activities. Until now, we have allowed it and as a result guided our decisions, our acts and our lives based on Fear. This in-turn caused the planet to operate within (self generated) very low frequency ranges. This was by design. We have been tricked into free-willing ourselves into it. The Great Awakening changes this. We will shift the frequency to a much higher vibration. We will do this in the absence of FEAR.
So, my fellow Patriots, in the coming days remember this and remain calm without any fears. Know at the end of it all we will create this shift collectively. Let us celebrate US! Worldwide! We are at an inflection point and are about to change the entire planet.
If you want to know more. Find a copy of The Human Primer and download a copy.
Yes!!! Fantastic post and SO IMPORTANT!! I've been talking about the need to stay in the higher frequencies of love, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, etc for a while now. But lately it seems that people are actually getting it! It is time to discover who we really are and the truth about our existence and reality.
I think there are many wonders beyond our current scope of comprehension awaiting us just around the corner...I cant wait!