Which side is protesting? What are they protesting about... so much to choose from over there?
Come on man! Give them a break. After all, they are fighting a war against Hitler!
A lot of different ways to read this. Let it play out a bit more. He surely knows he isn't dealing with an audience that can be easily "duped!" So I doubt that angle. Let it unfold a bit and see what happens.
Smells like a trap to me.
I was told by a Deputy Sheriff yesterday that two of these gang members knocked on the door of a local resident (population 5000) in our rural county with obvious intentions to do harm. When the old man (81) opened the door they kicked him in the stomach and then kicked open the door.
The old man's wife was standing off to the side behind the door then shot them both with 4 rounds of 12 guage buck shot and killed them both.
Warning to these gang members. We see you before we open the door. We are armed and we don't play. Stay in the cities until ICE sends you home.
Well actually, that is 570 million per hour. Do the math
So how many Hillary Clintons? Nancy Pelosi’s?
That is just a couple of Ukrainian rednecks. Probably traffickers.
We sort of forgot about the Cartels... with so much going on. I'm guessing they are armed, pissed and missing some important pipelines. Surely the cartels don't want to poke this bear!
We are on the side of peace. If that is your side, welcome aboard. If not, please step aside.
Have at it boys! You want it? You got it.
Well, to be fair, Americans are not arrogant. While appreciating the negotiation tactic, Trump didn't portray the general empathy that we actually are. That being said, we also have had enough of Ukraine and it was time to establish our disgust for the war and it needs to end. If arrogance is the tool to make our point... so be it. The important point is we want peace. We are not looking for more war... particularly one that they can never win.
Okay, tough deplomacy but necessary.
You need to make the Beatles Great Again!!
I use to love Europe. A fantastic place to visit. But what has happened to you is a complete disgrace. We feel for you over here. But hey! If we can do it here you can do it there. I think the blueprint on how you do it... is playing right now. Some exciting episodes are coming up.
Good luck.
What are their common denominators?
Every Anon should go out to dinner Friday and make it the biggest one day revenue day for them... ever!
-from the FAFO folder.
I think we are discovering what drives us to "10 days of darkness"! Essentially, everyone, sit down and listen. You are in lock down. You are being forced to hear this. Here is what we are doing, why we are doing it, and who we are doing it to. LISTEN!
Let this digest and I will give you updates for 9 more days.
Yea, I get that. I really respect all human beings. What I don't respect are small groups of people demanding I change my life to accomodate thier lifestyle. I don't ask them to do that for me.
So, soon we will see headlines that there is a critical flaw in the Iphone and that it will now only be viable and work from your home.
God I hope she never works again!
The swamp is full of these creatures. They have been having a ball for four years (if not longer)... good for them. I hope they enjoyed it... because it is over now.
It sounds arrogant to say they have a mental health problem. But seriously, and I think I speak for most Americans, we don't give a shit about their deranged lifestyle as long as it doesn't involve children.
However, their extreme derangement is disqualifying flags that should prevent them from being on Intelligence Payroll for any job. It is a sort of cancer infiltrating the body. I hate to sound gay phobic because I am not. But the Trans thing is a completely different mindset and has no place in our Government.
...my two cents.
It is kinda like opossums. I don't have anything against them but I damn sure don't want them in my house.
It sure starting to look like.... if you want to be a megaSTAR, you have to be anointed into the same club
It is rumored to be old analog tape. Analog, as opposed to digital, is almost impossible to fake. It is the same reason Trump has re-wired Gitmo courtrooms with Analog only for streaming.
What would it take? In a word… Frazzlerip. There are tapes of everyone of them
Can you spell pedophile?