posted ago by MamaChipmunk ago by MamaChipmunk +39 / -2

I have taken refuge in you, O Yahweh. Never let me be put to shame. Save me because of your righteousness.O Yahweh, I have called on you, so do not let me be put to shame. Let wicked people be put to shame. Let them be silent in the grave.Let their lying lips be speechless, since they speak against righteous people with arrogance and contempt. – Psalm 31:1,17-18 Lord,

I have made myself right with You. I have begged Your forgiveness of myself, a sinner.

And now, this glorious morning,

I praise Your Might and Your Strength, and Your Justice!

What glory on such an unsure day, to have You speak so directly to us!

What joy to hear “Justice will be served!” You sent that message directly to my husband and how can I do anything but cry in praise!

There are crimes in this world so unspeakable, so unbelievable, that they break us in pieces, but You hold us together, Lord!

You hold us together, You offer us justice, and You heal those who are so shattered!

We cannot help but weep, and their blood cries out for Justice only You can provide!

Take Your Vengeance today, God, on those who have used their authority and power to defile Your children!

The situation is urgent, Lord, but no one knows that more than You!

We wait in confidence, knowing Vengeance is Yours and You are a Just God!

In the Holy Name of Your Son, under the cleansing blood of His Holy Sacrifice, It Shall Be Certain!

Join me in continued prayer if you like: https://gratefulwifesprayers.wordpress.com/2021/01/19/a-prayer-for-the-lords-vengeance-and-justice/