249 Posted on 4Chan by NG; can't verify (media.patriots.win) posted 4 years ago by SNOWBANKS 4 years ago by SNOWBANKS +256 / -7 84 comments download share 84 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
"let's tell a bunch of kids the battle plan 18 hours early then let them near a phone/computer"
said the dumbest commanding officer in history.
Fuck us all if they are that stupid
In some ways, people could say the same thing about the q info.
I don't think any of the actual content indicates a prediction of future events.
In fact, the content always says the future will prove the past. Said the choice to know will be ours, and that's it.
Only weak autists make wild predictions and then get sad when it doesn't occur.
True. It’s not like there’s 500 troops. Out of 30,000 there only needs to be one who leaks. Odds aren’t as low as people might think. With that many, you might feel emboldened because it would be harder to figure out who