12 telegram.me/s/GeneralHyten account hacked posted 4 years ago by silver_uptothesky 4 years ago by silver_uptothesky +13 / -1 not available any more 20 comments share 20 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Good! Was a fucking LARP, no more shitty posts....
These are the accounts of people impersonating a military general and the first lady - both crimes.
Lin Wood also said at similar moment that telegram disabled replies on his for inappropriate content
MELANIA as well
Fake accounts
was it her account or fake? whats the adress?
Im not sure. How do you find out the address?
fake or not , here is :
melania i dont know.
here is Lin Wood
Now says "account hacked... The enemy is awake... Attacked on all social media. Time..." Melania's showed the account hacked message at exactly the same time and now shared all those last three from Hyten
thank you.
Stop using telegram, none of these accounts are official
“Hacked” or actually hacked? Are they trying to throw IS off, or anyone that might be affected by it? Did he say too much?
dont know. seems common sense /here/ is both were fake accounts.
I think we all know they don’t remove accounts unless it’s a credible account. Hacked is another story.
oh boy ! ... here we go .../!