Comments (14)
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Pompeo is dropping bombs today. I LOVE IT!!
Shitting all over the NWO!
Trump has used Swamp often, not a Q proof.
I know. It just feels like we are so closeeee
Yes, sure does, very anxious, unable to concentrate and think about much else.
Pompeo is my favorite fatty. No bagpipes! No blowing!
If the plan works out I'm sure he'll have tons of followers. If not, I don't think people will be lining up to hear what he has to say about anything.
He also said the account would be archived in a few days...
Many Q dumps reference swamp about 40 total to my count on search.
641 Sep 09, 2020 7:01:53 PM EDT Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 18740b No. 10581812
THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP. Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth. You must show them. Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate]. We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time. WILL YOU STAND? FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. FOR FREEDOM. FOR HUMANITY. WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL !!! Q
52 Nov 02, 2017 2:27:23 PM EDT Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No. 147645024 Review BO's financial disclosure when he submitted pre-D election campaign. What is the annual salary of a sitting US President? What home(s) were just purchased by BO? How much did it cost? How does it reconcile? What is the net worth of Pelosi? How does it reconcile? What is the John M Institute? Notice any patterns relating to the CF? Where did John M obtain his surgery? Why is that relevant? What surgery did he supposedly have? How many days until he was back in Congress and sitting on the OS comm? What is John M's net worth? How does it reconcile? What is MW's net worth? How does it reconcile? You can play this game with most D's and many R's. What does SWAMP refer to? What does money buy? Alice & Wonderland.
......and I said DRAAAAAIIIN.
That would be superb.
Along the same lines, I wish that, during election seasons, there was one place dedicated to political ads instead of stuffing up every media outlet with them. And every ad gets equal exposure. Then people could watch them or avoid them, if they so chose.
if mike becomes POTUS i sure hope he follows the path trump and Q team forged