There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
Look at DC clown, funny part is, you and likeminded will be the first ones to go, one way or the other. Tune in for more dose of brainfuck dummy, go watch MSM clown
I've not been a longtime Q follower, but I am a longtime Trump supporter. Lots of things don't add up. Why has Trump been making so many high level replacements post-election? New AG, defense secretary, NSA general counsel, and more. Then Haspel stepped down today. Will she be replaced before Trump leaves tomorrow?
None of those actions make sense for an outgoing president. And the national guard buildup doesn't make sense for a normal transition of power. But all of it makes sense if viewed with the knowledge of what Q has been saying for years.
I don't know what will happen tomorrow. None of us do. I expect nothing, but I'm prepared for anything.
His opponent didn't win fairly you shit stain - so he's not being given the dignity of being named in that patriotic farewell speech. Fucking fool. You have no idea what you're doing to your country. You'll be the first put against a wall and shot when true Marxism/Leninism takes hold.
Go watch some Yuri Bezmenov and learn your history before you come over here to a place of informed patriots talking slick.
He's gonna be the 19th president homie
What do you mean 19th?
Ulysses S Grant was the 18th President when the United States turned became a corporation
I can't wait for EVERYTHING to be done and over with....the sooner Trump takes office again the better
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
Not a theory it's history Nd reflected all over our Laws and corporate set up.
How is he going to be the 19th?
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
How is he going to be the 19th?
Look up the Act of 1871.
This will blow your mind:
Dissolution of US, Inc. 19th President of original republic.
Act of 1871.
Look up the Act of 1871.
This will blow your mind:
There is a theory floating around about the US becoming a corporation in the 1870s and every president since then has been a "CEO" and Trump may be about to abolish it, thus allowing real presidents to take over again.
so hopefully here comes next term as 19th president of the USA (not the corporation, which is what we have now)
Ok THAT makes sense ?
Pompeo is going to be 46 for a bit.
It’s funny cuz this makes his tweet storm almost make sense, as in if i knew i was secretly the next President I’d have fire tweeting fingers too
Cause he will be the 19th president of the republic next
His "opponent" cheated and stole the election. Go fuck yourself, shill.
That explains nothing that’s happening.
Look at DC clown, funny part is, you and likeminded will be the first ones to go, one way or the other. Tune in for more dose of brainfuck dummy, go watch MSM clown
I've not been a longtime Q follower, but I am a longtime Trump supporter. Lots of things don't add up. Why has Trump been making so many high level replacements post-election? New AG, defense secretary, NSA general counsel, and more. Then Haspel stepped down today. Will she be replaced before Trump leaves tomorrow?
None of those actions make sense for an outgoing president. And the national guard buildup doesn't make sense for a normal transition of power. But all of it makes sense if viewed with the knowledge of what Q has been saying for years.
I don't know what will happen tomorrow. None of us do. I expect nothing, but I'm prepared for anything.
I wouldn’t acknowledge a thief either...
His opponent didn't win fairly you shit stain - so he's not being given the dignity of being named in that patriotic farewell speech. Fucking fool. You have no idea what you're doing to your country. You'll be the first put against a wall and shot when true Marxism/Leninism takes hold.
Go watch some Yuri Bezmenov and learn your history before you come over here to a place of informed patriots talking slick.