DEEEEEEEEEEBOOONKED.... dude I fucking saw it with my own eyes... you're telling me I didn't see people getting kicked out, I didn't see people place cardboard over the windows? I didn't watch hours and hours of testimony of people who got kicked out? Or people using binoculars? I'm guessing you fact checked all of that?
See this is the problem, I don't watch any news, as much as I can I go to the source. Trump is a source, if Trump says X and does Y then he lied and I can figure that out on my own, I don't need facebook or CNN to tell me what Trump said when I can go watch it.
Why would you put anyone between yourself and the truth? I mean do you not care, or just too lazy to put in the extra 5 minutes of work to go to the source?
DEEEEEEEEEEBOOONKED.... dude I fucking saw it with my own eyes... you're telling me I didn't see people getting kicked out, I didn't see people place cardboard over the windows? I didn't watch hours and hours of testimony of people who got kicked out? Or people using binoculars? I'm guessing you fact checked all of that?
See this is the problem, I don't watch any news, as much as I can I go to the source. Trump is a source, if Trump says X and does Y then he lied and I can figure that out on my own, I don't need facebook or CNN to tell me what Trump said when I can go watch it.
Why would you put anyone between yourself and the truth? I mean do you not care, or just too lazy to put in the extra 5 minutes of work to go to the source?