Basically in the late 1800s the US was broke so they made a deal with the devil, the Vatican, to get a loan but
in return, they had to become a corporation. Congress wrote up the DC act of 1871 for this purpose. DC
became the headquarters so to speak. "all that part of the territory of the United States included within the
limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the
District of, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes ... and exercise all
other powers of a municipal corporation." so everything within the limits of DC operated by the government is
part of the corporate entity. In mid-2018 Trump signed an executive order stating that if any person or
corporation was found to have aided or helped with foreign interference in the US presidential election they
could have their assets that are located within the US seized. This means if anyone in the federal government
within DC was found to have aided a foreign nation in interfering the US corporation could have their assets
seized until whatever procedure the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General,
the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of National Intelligence came up with shortly after the
order was signed (procedure made Classified). It was found that Italy hacked our elections through a satellite
belonging to the Italian defense contractor Leonardo with the help of a CIA agent, state dept official, and most
likely others that we don't know about. These people are part of the US corporation which means the
corporation can have its assets seized until the classified procedure is carried out. The US military is in DC to
seize the US corporation's assets which explains why DC looks the that it does. As for what will happen
tomorrow, I am unsure but I hope it goes like this
The Vatican was Based before Vatican II council in 1960. If anyone in the church had anything to do with anything cabal related in 19th century would have been the Jesuits, established to infiltrate the masons (They did), but were infiltrated back and totally corrupted. More here: