Will True Beleivers and Internet Warriors Be Rewarded by POTUS For Their Loyalty?
Was thinking about this today. For those who have fought in the meme wars, patriotic autists decoding Q drops - do you think President Trump sees us and will reward us? Personally I think there should be positions for those who stuck it out through thick and thin just as George Washington rewarded his Brothers In Arms with patriot cabinent posistions.
I do not wish to presume on the Commander In Chief but I think our internet warriors have worked hard and deserve whatever reward (financially, ceremonially, or otherwise) He deems to bestow on us after he goes on to his second term.
NO. How much can we accomplish when no one gets the credit. That's what being an anon is all about. There's no "I"m the superior intelligence" preening going on, just all working with pubic intelligence to take down these creeps. We'll all be able to tell the story to our grandkids about what we learned in the great info war. No hurt feelings, just being able breathe free!!