If we're to believe you, all this will be swept under the rug hours from now.
U1 Project Cassandra Fast and Furious IRS Targeting Clinton Foundation Epstein Island Benghazi Seth Rich Antonin Scalia Vegas shooting CCP Virus Russian collusion hoax Biden Ukraine quid pro quo CCP bribery 9-11 FF MH370 SAP sale DEW "Wildfires" Obama ISIS Iran deal/laundering Huma/MB Infiltration FISA abuse 2018, 2020 election fraud Child rape, torture, sacrifice
Swept under the rug? Who says Q would have to stop posting? They STILL can’t tell us who is making the posts 100% with confidence? (hint: they could/should have asked DJT 4 years ago, and saved one tiny shred of credibility for the sake of journalism and going down with SOME credibility...)