750 President Donald J. Trump granted pardons to 73 individuals and commuted the sentences of an additional 70 individuals. (www.whitehouse.gov) posted 4 years ago by joeylmao 4 years ago by joeylmao +750 / -0 189 comments share 189 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Oh. Well good. I missed that, but somehow had stumbled into the truth.
Np. Whenever I point that out about Snowden at T_D, I get downvoted to oblivion even after providing link to POTUS tweets. Lots of shills there.
OMGoodness. I just went over there 5 minutes ago, first time in 1/2 a day.
IT IS AN ABSOLUTE TOILET!!! What the hell happened in 1/2 a day, and over 2 days or so?
The shills just took over. The mods let that happen. It would have been easy to stop. It's insane, gross, and sad.
I think the mods there are busy for some reason.
I’m so sad to see what they have done to my fun place. The shills on the Chans are more tolerable than that place right now.