If you want a Zoom-like platform to host it on, there is Jitsi Meet: https://meet.jit.si/ . It's open source, and end-to-end encrypted. I would treat it as a private solution, but of course, wouldn't wager that it's outside of the NSA's ability to spy on, for example. If you're just talking shooting the shit and discussing theories, it's as good a platform as any to discuss on.
If you want a Zoom-like platform to host it on, there is Jitsi Meet: https://meet.jit.si/ . It's open source, and end-to-end encrypted. I would treat it as a private solution, but of course, wouldn't wager that it's outside of the NSA's ability to spy on, for example. If you're just talking shooting the shit and discussing theories, it's as good a platform as any to discuss on.
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Thanks. Will look into it.