It's when an object has the most pressure applied to it while leaving the atmosphere.
Could also be translated that EITHER, Q/POTUS & The People will have the most pressure applied to it while trying to "leave" [their] system behind, or Q is the max pressure being applied to [them].
It could go either way, really. But, that's not how I'm seeing it. I think Q is applying the pressure thru us waking people up, and also since we debunked [their] threats of violence at the State Capitols and D.C., maybe [they]'ll try to put one in Joe's melon and frame us for it. The pressure is all an [them] atm with Trump's peaceful "exit." We've been able to debunk every narrative [they]'ve thrown at us to date. I don't see why today would be any different.
There's another post here in GAW that talks about Turner Classic Movies playing "Joe" and murder themed movies back to back the last couple days. Predictive programming is real and works on many different levels and combos.
I'm thinking maybe there's Max Pressure being applied by Q onto [them] to make the next move, dating [them] to take it to the next level (leave the atmo). The next level here being an open assassination attempt on Ole Slow Joe Crow or his side kick Kamal-Toe. Trump leaving, I'm sure, enrages [them] because [they] never were able to eliminate and humiliate him in office. The one thing [they] hate above all is when [their] perceived "bad guy" gets away. The programming is clear on that.
What is Max Q?
It's when an object has the most pressure applied to it while leaving the atmosphere.
Could also be translated that EITHER, Q/POTUS & The People will have the most pressure applied to it while trying to "leave" [their] system behind, or Q is the max pressure being applied to [them].
It could go either way, really. But, that's not how I'm seeing it. I think Q is applying the pressure thru us waking people up, and also since we debunked [their] threats of violence at the State Capitols and D.C., maybe [they]'ll try to put one in Joe's melon and frame us for it. The pressure is all an [them] atm with Trump's peaceful "exit." We've been able to debunk every narrative [they]'ve thrown at us to date. I don't see why today would be any different.
There's another post here in GAW that talks about Turner Classic Movies playing "Joe" and murder themed movies back to back the last couple days. Predictive programming is real and works on many different levels and combos.
I'm thinking maybe there's Max Pressure being applied by Q onto [them] to make the next move, dating [them] to take it to the next level (leave the atmo). The next level here being an open assassination attempt on Ole Slow Joe Crow or his side kick Kamal-Toe. Trump leaving, I'm sure, enrages [them] because [they] never were able to eliminate and humiliate him in office. The one thing [they] hate above all is when [their] perceived "bad guy" gets away. The programming is clear on that.
Yall's thoughts?