why on Earth are you still so convinced the election was stolen
Because Q has nothing to do with the massive amount of evidence weve seen. This evidence was gathered by patriots on win and the frontlines of voting areas, not Q.
and that the insurrections was staged
Because weve seen the videos of police letting people in and guiding them through the building, not to mention the videos of undercover antifa and their arrests.
and still reaching for conspiratorial explanations like "they" threatened his family?
Theyve been threatening his family for years if he gave up because of a threat it would have to be a massive threat. Im thinking along the lines of “concede now or we start a nuclear world war.”
Doesn't it make more sense to believe that everything is, actually, more or less as it seems?
No it doesnt make more sense. Makes about as much sense as going to CNN for unbiased news.
There is no cabal of pedophiles
You just gonna ignore the whole Epstine thing? His little black book filled with names of politicians and hollywood types? You just gonna ignore how a chunk of our leaders participate at bohemian grove burning child effigies?
Trump was mainly interested in exactly what he focused on publicly as President (tax cuts for the rich, his own image and glorification)
He cut taxes ACROSS THE BOARD. Every bracket got tax cuts, saying it was “tax cuts for the rich” is extremely dishonest. And you think he did this to glorify his own image? What the fuck planet are you living on? Trump has been slandered by every single news outlet how can you honestly believe he did this to boost his public image? They call him a literal nazi.
he lost the election and then tried to rally people like you to subvert and overturn the results once he did.
We did not rally to subvert an election. We rallied to bring transparency to it. This is the biggest thing people get wrong about the past few weeks. WE DO NOT WANT TO OVERTURN A LEGAL ELECTION, WE WANT THE ENTIRE ELECTION AUDITED AND TRANSPARENT. But no judge would look at the evidence. Every judge dismissed cases not based on the merit of evidence but on standing. Like how “texas cant interfere with other states elections” well that doesnt change the fact that those other states ran fraudulent elections!
Im very curious to hear your response since you seem to not frequent this site.
Because Q has nothing to do with the massive amount of evidence weve seen. This evidence was gathered by patriots on win and the frontlines of voting areas, not Q.
Because weve seen the videos of police letting people in and guiding them through the building, not to mention the videos of undercover antifa and their arrests.
Theyve been threatening his family for years if he gave up because of a threat it would have to be a massive threat. Im thinking along the lines of “concede now or we start a nuclear world war.”
No it doesnt make more sense. Makes about as much sense as going to CNN for unbiased news.
You just gonna ignore the whole Epstine thing? His little black book filled with names of politicians and hollywood types? You just gonna ignore how a chunk of our leaders participate at bohemian grove burning child effigies?
He cut taxes ACROSS THE BOARD. Every bracket got tax cuts, saying it was “tax cuts for the rich” is extremely dishonest. And you think he did this to glorify his own image? What the fuck planet are you living on? Trump has been slandered by every single news outlet how can you honestly believe he did this to boost his public image? They call him a literal nazi.
We did not rally to subvert an election. We rallied to bring transparency to it. This is the biggest thing people get wrong about the past few weeks. WE DO NOT WANT TO OVERTURN A LEGAL ELECTION, WE WANT THE ENTIRE ELECTION AUDITED AND TRANSPARENT. But no judge would look at the evidence. Every judge dismissed cases not based on the merit of evidence but on standing. Like how “texas cant interfere with other states elections” well that doesnt change the fact that those other states ran fraudulent elections!
Im very curious to hear your response since you seem to not frequent this site.