You saw the timed drops. Those are spoofable, a little, if you were somehow a site admin for every site that has received Q drops.
You saw the stocking marked Q. You saw Trump make a Q with his finger. You saw him morse code Q as recently as a week ago.
We saw Flynn adopt Q, embrace all the memes, and give veracity to the movement.
Q is real. Not the bullshit that others have injected to it. Not the idiocy that many have tried to spin Q into for their own conspiracy theories.
Did the mission fail? What was the mission? Is there more to come? So many things Q predicted turned out to be grossly untrue. Was that by design? Was that because Q was defeated?
Will we ever see another Q drop?
Just as the wind bends the trees, can you see the wind? No, but you can feel it, and see how it moves the world around you. If the world is moving, and the trees are swaying, and there is a howl in the air, the wind is there, and the wind is the cause.
So too with Q.