Militiaman 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is the antidote to fear sickness. The wise will take heed.

Militiaman 1 point ago +1 / -0

"It has electro-conductive bio-chips!"

Militiaman 9 points ago +10 / -1

Such disrespect to a fellow anon. Tsk tsk.

I won't tell you how to comment, but I will tell you that how you commented this very comment reflects very poorly on yourself, those who raised you, and all of us here.

Militiaman 5 points ago +5 / -0

Your husband has a purpose here on Earth. Help him find and magnify that purpose.

Militiaman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Survivor here!

There is always hope, and with some half baked planning, and a couple serious about their commitments, the nuclear family can survive, even today.

First things: never seek advice about marriage from someone that doesn't have the marriage you want. Doesn't matter who.

Parents are awesome people. If they have a rotten marriage, they are not someone to bring your struggles to.

Friends or drinking buddies can be awesome. If they have a rotten marriage, they are not someone to bring your struggles to.

Marriage counselors can be a great tool. If they're single, fire them. If they have a rotten marriage, fire them. They are not someone to council with about improvement in your own marriage.

They can only teach you how to have the same or worse quality of what they've got. If it's garbage they have, it's garbage you'll get.

It takes more work. It takes better daily habits. And it takes being unplugged from social media, news, tv, and propoganda in general, but it can be done. I have two girls now, and they get fewer and more filtered cartoon programs than I did. Probably 1hr/week total. More time with dexterity building toys and imaginative play.

Source: no tv for 5 yrs, no Facebook for 3+yrs, no Twitter, or IG.

Militiaman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Small consistent effort over time is ultimately more beneficial and sustainable than manic effort for a week or two or four. Carve out some time to be exercise time, and get to. Make it a habit. I just started about two weeks ago, so five minutes a day (plus my very physically demanding job) is what I'm going for. Later it'll be more like 15-30 minutes/day as I become more and more ingrained in this morning habit.

But just start somewhere and start with something you could do every day for the rest of your life.

Militiaman 3 points ago +3 / -0

When there is fear, and no recourse, and the hand of the government hangs over you, this is the kind of tragedy that follows. When there's no control in a person's life, that person will control their exit from their life.

Militiaman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am in awe. Good work fren. i wish everyone had the forethought to plan like you have, starting 20 years ago.

Militiaman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bugging out, more often than not is not feasible. You bug out, sure okay, where to? How long? Is there fuel, water and food reserves there that are secured and unmolestable? How isolated is it? How many are going to the same location? How long to get there? Is it accessable without the use of major roads, highways, or interstates?

There are even more variables than that to plan for. It's complex, and requires a significant time commitment and monetary expense.

Best plan is to make a castle of your current residence. If you're renting, i understand that there's not much you can do besides building a good food, fuel, and water storage. Start there with essentials. Do you have food to eat in a prolonged emergency? Do you have water to drink in a prolonged emergency? Do you have enough fuel to light your home, cook your food, and keep you warm in an extended emergency? Do you have sufficient guns and ammunition? Medical supplies? How about emergency cash enough for three months of essential living expenses? What about essential medications like Tylenol, Advil, and basic antibiotics? Do you have Independent communication ability, like a ham radio? Think three to six months worth of supplies for everything.

There's a lot of things you can do now that can put you in a very good place not just for emergency response, but if you just loose your income. You have food, water, money, and can start a job search with peace of mind. :)

Militiaman 4 points ago +4 / -0

It didn't take very long for the Berlin wall to go back up now, did it?

Militiaman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Standard is 3 -6 months of food essentials. Think simple. Rice, beans, spices, pasta, canned goods 2 months of water if possible. 1 gallon per person per day. Think eight big water bottle packs per person. Stores well in the garage or basement.

Militiaman 9 points ago +9 / -0

Right here. My children are safe. Homeschooling will be our normal. The needle will not touch them.

Militiaman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our gifts this year are food storage, gift cards, made in USA, or home made charm jewelry. Last year was boutique skincare and makeup, tools, and media.

Militiaman 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is a ground breaking concept, where the jury can both proclaim innocence and hold to account for malicious prosecution. It needs refinement, but it does significantly disincentivise a prosecutor that recognizes a serious descrepancy of evidence from pushing ahead with prosecuting.

Militiaman 1 point ago +1 / -0

"the people's pope"? More like "the pope of men".

Militiaman 1 point ago +1 / -0

The solution to pollution is dilution. If you're swamped with negative music at work, you've got to find a way to keep it out or flush it out. This means a time commitment to refreshing your brain. It's worth it, but it will be hard in the beginning. Get some positive books to read. Good stories with quality themes, overcoming, and feel good endings are a fine start, but hard core self examination geared literature is going to flush out the bad while giving you ways to make yourself better, more valuable, and might even give you enough confidence to swap jobs to a place that doesn't have profanity over the speakers.

Militiaman 5 points ago +5 / -0

I preferred to call in well.

"Hello, yes? I'm sorry, the sun is shining outside, and I'm just feeling too good to come to work today. No, nobody wants to cover, they're all feeling too good too. We'll be back when we're feeling worse. Thank you!"

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