656 Trump Crowd vs Biden Crowd (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by EchoLight 4 years ago by EchoLight +658 / -2 68 comments download share 68 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
We're watching out country get stolen. Right in front of our eyes. STOLEN. WE DID NOT LOSE.
They did win the senate you absolute retard.
"Try to keep up" coming from the guy that falls for "BUT IT WAS SO CLOSE!!11 IT COULDNT BE RIGGED1?!"
Go swallow a 20 ft china dick you shill faggot bitch.
They rejected him so much that dead people rose from the dead and more votes were cast than registered voters in select counties in swing states.
Unbelievable, please fuck off.
No they weren't.
If you refuse to hear the evidence it doesn't mean it doesn't exist you massive faggot.