I made myself a promise to wait until Feb 1st. We need to see the truth no matter how hard it is. What will these evil people do once they have power?
Then if someone else doesn't do something it will be time for We The People to take back our country. This was never someone else's fight. This was always our fight. We need to stop being lazy and expecting someone else to do the hard work for us.
The only way the USA truly dies is if you give up and stop fighting. I'm not saying today wasn't a set back or even a potentially fatal wound, but it was not even close to a death blow.
That's silly. None of those things are fully in place. And there are millions of firearms in the USA. I'm not saying we didn't lose something or suffer a setback but the entire idea its "forever" is you being emotional like the left and not seeing the facts clearly and logically.
I made myself a promise to wait until Feb 1st. We need to see the truth no matter how hard it is. What will these evil people do once they have power?
Then if someone else doesn't do something it will be time for We The People to take back our country. This was never someone else's fight. This was always our fight. We need to stop being lazy and expecting someone else to do the hard work for us.
Goal posts moving? ?
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The only way the USA truly dies is if you give up and stop fighting. I'm not saying today wasn't a set back or even a potentially fatal wound, but it was not even close to a death blow.
That's silly. None of those things are fully in place. And there are millions of firearms in the USA. I'm not saying we didn't lose something or suffer a setback but the entire idea its "forever" is you being emotional like the left and not seeing the facts clearly and logically.