posted ago by KoofNoof ago by KoofNoof +5 / -0

Obviously I along with many of you are feeling a sense of betrayal, confusion, anger. There were so many signs, so many coincidences, and as I look at the television, I see all of these evil corrupt people get into their vehicles, and freely leave the fenced in "prison" we thought was built for them.

So why? Is this it? Are we doomed? What happened to Trump, and why has he been so quiet and shifted his tune all of a sudden?

These answers are honestly irrelevant at this point. What's important is you.

Americas history wasn't built from people who sat back and hoped for someone to save the day for them. America was birthed from the hearts of many people who hoped for something more. Who stood up and took action.

Q might not have a leader. But we have something better, we have eachother.

Understand that this is the great lesson we all are here to learn.

Trump might still have a plan, who knows at this point, but isn't it better for us to stand up and take action, and maybe have Trump pull through, than to keep sitting and waiting for something that might not ever come?

Since when does sitting around waiting for someone to do something sound like a good plan?

You, reading this right now, yes you. Americas future rests on your shoulders, and nobody elses.

Take a deep breathe, and feel the air as it enters your body. Allow the soul of God to ignite the spark deep in your heart.

It was always up to you. To me. To us.